Thanks.At what age can a parent allow their child to drop out of high school?
I'm going to be 17 years old in october. I always thought that it would be cool to drop out because all of my friends did it, but then i realized i dont want to work at a fast food resturant or a grocery store for the rest of my life. So don't drop out that is just stupid. A lot of people think dropping out of school to go hustle or to go be with friends is fashion, people are doing it so much now in days. Don't let your kid drop out of school,or if its you don't drop out of school. When people say that education is important to get far in life there not lying. Plus i'm fresh as heck and i still got alot of friends and im still in school =] so don't be a fool finish school lol =]
-cheecheeAt what age can a parent allow their child to drop out of high school?
If you are the parent of a child in high school in Massachusetts please do let the student drop out of high school for any reason. A high school education is quite important today. A person with out a high school education cannot find any meaningful work today. If you are a student do not drop out of the high school. If you have low grades and feel that you want to quit this is not the solution to the problems that you have. It is only the start of your problems. Do not expect this to be the answer but the end of all of your aspirations. If you do decide to drop out of high school please consider applying for a GED. In either case see your high school counselor with your current problems. The best of luck to you.
I believe, as has been said, 16. But I chose to answer this question as an alternative view. I am not an advocate of dropping out of school, by any means. That being said, there are many paths to success and not having a high school diploma is not necessarily a path to being destitute either. In this day and age a GED can go pretty far. And to be honest with you, my nephew just took his GED test and quite frankly, I'd wager a good portion of many students graduating high school would not be able to pass the test if surprised by it as a condition of recieving their diploma. Getting a high school diploma in some schools is a joke. I happen to have a high school diploma, but I graduated high school with very little knowledge of many things. I attended a technical school, which I could have attended with just a GED, and make $70/hr. I really think the intent of why he is choosing to drop out is more important. Traditional schooling is not always best for everyone, and perhaps he wants to just get on with what he wants to do in life and start his career early. If he wants to get a GED in order to start attending a technical school and get, say, a computer science degree, he will be starting work and earning a decent living when his friends are all just graduating. I went to high school with a very smart girl, very popular student, who decided to quit cheerleading, everything to get her GED and attend cosmetology school. This was met with shock and awe, of course, however, by the time she was 21 she owned her own very successful salon. So, I think what is most important is a plan of action, and not just dropping out due to being lazy and not wanting to do anything with your life.
It seems as of 2007 students were able to drop out of school at age 16 however laws were being drafted to raise that age to 18. I am unable to find any more recent source.
My opinion: stay in school
reality: circumstances are never universal do what is best
Usually its 16, but i think you can go a little younger. Either way, parental consent is needed.
As has been said,sixteen. Better to get your H.S. diploma though,for more options in the
which country
in Australia year 10 is the allowed age to drop out
thats around 15-16 years old
Seriously, how many more topics of dropping out of high school do you need to get it through your head? Save us some space.
No matter what the law says, make em finish.
16, but i recommend u stay in school as long as possible. it's better in the long run.
are u thinking to do it. good luck your life will suck working at 10.00 to 20.00 max
idk but in oklahoma its 16 you should look it up
thats just stupidity right there. have fun changing my tires.
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