Saturday, January 23, 2010

Does parent know how to educate their child in this century? Does the new education system help?

Recently I went through a lot of case studies of children and found out a tons of information that connected to our education system. Different country carry different form of education system, but I wonder sometime does it help? The education system that I was under was base on an old concept. Learning without exploring self ability. Of coz nowadays people are more emphazies in how many ';Q'; and skills (that is what brain analayze is for)in you to determine our weakness and strength. What do you think? Knowledge or Ability or Skill or Q's?Does parent know how to educate their child in this century? Does the new education system help?
Knowledge ensues ability and skill and are now far more obtinable in the internet that it is possible the computer can be a mentor. Today nobody can be ignorant.Does parent know how to educate their child in this century? Does the new education system help?
Knowledge and the ability to utilize it is the only key to education. The other stuff is nice if you don't care about the person knowing anything or being able to use what they know. The idea of exploring self ability is about as useless in the real world as mammary glands on a boar hog. Business, industry and government and every other occupation depends upon knowledge and the ability to apply it to the situation at hand.

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