Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What do you notice about other people's kids now that you are a parent?

I notice my sister in law does not get her children's haircut. Her daughter will be 3 years old next month and has had one haircut her whole life. She does not pull back the child's hair or use clips or anything. The child's hair is in her eyes constantly and she looks feral.What do you notice about other people's kids now that you are a parent?
I agree that the baby's hair should be done at least so its not in her eyes. If the girl doesn't like her hair to be done she should have bangs cut so that it isn't in her face. I notice when people are not watching their children through the grocery store and such. I think I have always noticed tho, not just because I am a parent now.What do you notice about other people's kids now that you are a parent?
I notice kids in cars not wearing a seat belt/not in a car seat.

Earlier on today I noticed a woman in the passenger seat of the car with her toddler-sized daughter sitting on her lap, no seat belt on, peering from the window. How irreponsible is that?!

I'd never DREAM of getting in the car with my son on my lap....!
I notice the way the kids act, like how they mother controls them or when they run around like maniacs in the store, or kick and scream and cry.

But most of the time, i am trying to keep my two monkeys under control so no one looks at me like i look at them.
Although I'm not a parent, I've noticed parents who don't change their kids' diapers. I remember this little girl from the park. She was around 2 or 3 years old. Her diaper was hanging just below her hips filled with #1 and #2. The girl was wearing a dress that went to her knees.
I notice when other parents aren't paying attention. I'm sure we all do it at one point or another. Sometimes it's really bad though like the child almost falling out of the cart while mom is down the aisle on her cell phone.

I also notice when nap time is!
discipline. from kicking screaming kids in the store to wild in the parking lots. there is nothing more aggravating than having a kid play around the parking lot. some parents just don't seem to care what their kids do.
I notice when my relatives don't have their young children wash their hands before they eat at a family gathering. I always would tell my children to wash up before and after meals.
Yes, a child's hair should not be in her face!

I notice when parents are not holding their toddler's hand, particularly in the parking lot!
My kids are 11 and 6. I notice when there are 5 and 6 year old kids wandering around a store with no parents.That just bugs me to no end.
I notice that I can appreciate other kid's children a little bit more. Maybe your SIL is trying to grow out her daughter's hair but has a hard time keeping in clip or hairbands?
How disrespectfully people are raising their kids.
I noticed that your parents named you Fajina.
I don't notice cause i'm too busy watching my daughter and making sure she doesn't get in trouble.

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