i have one of each, so i can answer this question with some authority.
my daughter, 4, tells me her dreams the moment she wakes up. she has the longest, most elaborate dreams and i just adore how animated she gets while she tells them. she knows just when to turn on the charm and will be a master manipulator when she's grown!
my son, 7, is the artist in the family and is contstantly drawing. he has the biggest heart and the sweetest temperament. it makes my day when he - long, gangly legs and all - climbs into my lap and tells me he loves me!What are some of the different pleasures from both boys and girls as a parent?
Girls u get to do their hair, nails and you get the whole heart to heart talks about boys wether its good or bad. With boys, like mine, he's a typical boy but no man is gonna stick up for you or love you the way a son does for his mother. Both kids will do off the wall things or just give you a certain look and it just makes your day no matter how bad it was before they did what they did!!
They are both wonderful. It is not the sex of the kid , it is the personality.
my two year old daughter is a daredevil. she loves the wind in her face and when she falls she gets right back up. she loves care bears and elmo. she is dainty and very cute. i love to dress her in dresses and pull her hair up. she is a mini me of my 4 year old son.
my four year old son craves love from me. he is a mama's boy. superman is his hero. he likes the outdoors and the beach. he likes to dress ';handsome';. he has a buzzcut so i can't really spike it or do much else with it.
girls are harder to potty train. whine a little more. boys are dirty and tough. all kids, no matter their sex are. i read once that parenting a boy is much different than parenting a boy. for example, you tend to speak to a baby girl in a much higher pitched voice than you would a boy. and parents tend to spank a boy more than a girl. this was in a book called raising boys. =)
and when they get older the double standard always is in place. men tend to think that their boys can be players while the girls should not. what has always baffled me is in the restaraunt industry men are cooks. those men are the men yelling at the waitresses, mainly women, that they should be at home in the kitchen. now how does that make sense?!!
their individuals
Speaking as a parent of both sexes, if you start teaching right from wrong while they are still young by the time they get to the age where they will be tempted to do dumb things they will know it's wrong and be able to talk about it with you. Both boys and girls are great, each has their own personality and each are individuals who if taught right can do great things for their futures and will with encouragement.
Wonderful thing about boys = they can't get pregnant!
none i can think of
Interesting question. I have all girls, so on the one hand I can't really speak about boys. On the other hand, I know so many people who have one of each, and make generalizations about the sexes based on the personality of their two. The truth is, kids are all different. But in answer to your question: I'm a girly girl myself and absolutely love the softness and feminity of the girls. Mothering them feels so natural to me, because I can be very affectionate without worrying about the ';mama's boy'; stigma. I always wonder if mothering a boy is a little more difficult from the perspective of being more reserved.... how your relationship looks to others (i.e. fussing too much over boys past a certain age, etc.).... if to some degree mothers have to fight their natural urges, and hold back a little more with them. Not sure if that's the case....just something I've always wondered.
Well I only have one child and she is wonderful I dont think it should matter the sex of your child you should love it no matter what
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