Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How do you tell your parent you have genital herpes?

My mother will need to find out someday because I don't even know if my insurance will cover the med for it. It'll end up being hard to hide, it already is.How do you tell your parent you have genital herpes?
You can tell her if you want to or not, you have the right to tell who ever you want to. If you do tell her you may feel a little less like your hiding some thing and maybe you can start to talk to your mom more openly about sex. She might be a little angry at first but you are part of her blood, she will eventually get over it because she should love you unconditionally. Tell her when your ready to and when you think she is ready to hear it.

I told my parents last year but I think I'm a little older then you are. They were a little shocked but they still accept me and love me. In fact they try to help me out by showing me articles on herpes some times when I visit.

Here is a site that has some steps you can take towards telling your mom and future partners.鈥?/a>How do you tell your parent you have genital herpes?
I think the best thing to do is to get a pamphlet from your doctor that explains all there is to know about Herpes. When you do tell your mother she may have a lot of questions about it. Just be open about it, she will love you no matter what. I would just let her know that you would really like to talk to her about something important when she has the time. When she has time to talk, then sit down with her and just give her the pamphlet and explain that you have Herpes. If anything she may be upset for a moment, no parent wants to see their child hurt. Having an STD is a very scary thing, it can take a toll on your emotions, you need a good support system.
Well, Jane Doe, sadly there is no good or right time to bring bad news to anybody. My advice would be once you read this, pick yourself up, swallow hard and clear your throat, and go tell your mother. I can only imagine that it would be hard for you to do. Do to the fact you are worried about your mothers health insurance not covering it I would say that you are young. At least under the age of 19, am I right? I am certain that your mother will be quick to listen, and slow to speak. I am almost 90% sure she will be more upset and disappointed, as well as curious to know just who it was that passed this disease on to you. I know if I was a father and my daughter told me ';i have an s.t.d.'; I would be number one, concerned. Number two, angry with whoemever she did this with, and third, and foremost, understanding and sensitive. If I am a man, and capable of that, I am sure your mother is capable of more than I am.
I like Extroverter's approach but of course it's up to you to do what you need to do.

But do you need to do this? it's not her business, but she may find out because of medical insurance. (I'll assume you are in the US. In Canada, only your doctor/staff know. They bill the gov't. No other paperwork).

So, first, find out from the insurance company IF your parents will receive any paperwork- it might be easier to find that out from the doctor's office. Another thing to find out is whether you can get free medical care and/or treatment/medication from a free clinic near where you live. You should be able to find that information either in the blue pages of the phone book or local public health officials or even your public library.

In other words, find out if there is a way around getting treatment paid for by your parent's insurance company before you find yourself forced to tell your parent(s).
janedoe, im not sure how old you are, but when i first told my mom it was only because i was sure it wasnt something like that, because i was only 16 and we were both virgins, but i aquired it from my boyfriends coldsore thru oral. So when the doctor told me it was herpes i cried and cried so hard, and my mom did not seem to think it was a big deal, i think my generation is very harsh about it, and my mom said that she has a few friends with it, and that they all get great guys and she doesnt get why its a big deal, sometimes i wish she even took it a bit more seriously! so ya, no biggy, just do it and i think you will be pleasantly suprised!
Parents with any modicum of intelligence nowadays should not be shocked if the kids tell them that they have contracted STD's. I am 64 years old..and if my daughter came to me and said that she contracted an STD...or even that she is a lesbian...I shall understand....and I'll support her all the way. After all she is still my daughter. So do not sell your mother not keep putting it off...tell her...she will understand..but do it now...the more you put it off the harder it shall become.
Talk to her. Asked her questions first about the subject and what she thought about it. Then you ask her how would she feel if someone close to her had this problem see her reaction. From here you decide if you want to go on in tell her the whole truth or keep it a secret. Its your life your choice. Good luck and do whatever works best for you.
Well - remember - your mother has an 80% chance of having HSV 1 herself! But even if you are referreing to te Genital variety - better to get that support so you can afford the good meds (antivirals like Famvir are the best). Get the meds - they work - it will be gone.
Tell her, you need to keep it under control. She may be more understanding than you think. Give her chance.

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