Clearly, the parents have no sex life, or we can only hope.
Yes, it's weird, and no employer would hire this college grad if this were known outside your little circle.What happens if an adult( 22 yrs old) prefers to sleep in their parent's bed. With the parent in it.?
Clearly its nothing wrong, its not like hes sleep right next to them to see them gave sex or anything, some people just feel like they need to be closer to their parents. Though its kinda odd that he still lives with his parents, but still, there is nothing wrong. Get over it.
to me it says he is either REDICULOUSLY insecure or has something slightly more perverted going on in his head.
i also would question parents who would let such a thing go on.
if anything tho, all parties involved should talk to a doctor or something about it.
There is something wrong with that. His parent(s) obviously need to be concerned over this.
I think the cut off age for most people is age 10 or 11...
Super creepy I think everyone involved needs to go to counseling that kind of thing should stop at like 6-8 yrs old
lol id think that would have stoped around age 7
sick perv!
should not
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