Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is the worst thing you did as a parent?

What do you think should happen to the parents who falsely reported that balloon boy was missing?

I read an article where parents admitted to some horrible things. Leaving kids in cars, with irresponsible kids, with people they barely know, etc.What is the worst thing you did as a parent?
The worst thing I did was to accidentally lock my son, who was an infant into the car. I had to flag down security at the mall. Luckily it was a cool day as I live in the South. Now, I make sure my keys are always in my pocket. *knock on wood*

I think they should have criminal charges pressed against them for making such a false claim. That call to 911 was a waist of time and took away from a real emergency.What is the worst thing you did as a parent?
The worst thing I could do as a parent was put my son's dad on the birth certificate, it is a pain in the butt for insurance reasons, child support, etc, and it will be a pain for my son as well. This guy never asks for my son, doesn't know his birthdate, has only seen him twice in 20 months and doesn't pay child support or care for him.

I haven't done anything else, his dad even told me once I overprotect him because I won't let our son go with him. Well, he is the kind of guy that if he wants to go to a party or somewhere, he will leave his son with the first one who takes him. I know this because he used to leave his first son with people he said he knew, but was lying so he could hang out. He is back with his first son's mom, had a little girl and they just leave those kids anywhere, with whomever to go partying.

It's crazy and SAD how these people don't care about their kids.
I don't think the parents should be dealt all the blame. Keep in mind, the police department supposedly searched their home for the child. They should have done better. If the police department had done their jobs properly, they would have saved man hours, tax dollars, and headaches for everyone else. It definitely seemed to me to be a scam for 15 minutes of fame. TLC loves that kind of crap, so they probably WILL get their own show soon. I guess they should be punished just like anyone else would be for filing a false police report.
I bought these real nice plums,and I told my kids if you want some eat them in the house because I didn't want to give the plums to all the neighbors kids I looked out the door and all the kids were eating these plums. I called my kids in the house and started yelling at them. Then I found out my neighbor gave all the kids plums. What a jerk I am

I don't know what they sould do to them I was fooled I thought the kid was in there and when they didn't find him I thought he fell out. Bad thing to do real bad
A lot of jail time.

They did all those things and they took up a lot of emergency personal that could of responded to real emergency.They will be looking at a lot of charges.Including a false story.
I yelled at him. Like, hardcore yelled at him. He just stared at me with his big teary eyes so huge, and I felt so bad.

It wasn't even his fault, any of it.

Bad, mommy, bad!
I'd like to see ballon boys mom in beat up in county jail

not over the balloon inncident

just because shes a nasty personality
My three year old felt left out one night when we my wife and I were doing shots while playing cards. So we let him do ';shots'; of water, figuring at three he had no idea what we were drinking lol.
The worst thing I did was to forget one day to tell him, ';I love you';. Won't happen again.

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