Monday, May 10, 2010

How do you get a sense of control after years of one parent watching the other parent abuse you?

I don't feel safe, and I don't feel in control even though I now live with my gramma.How do you get a sense of control after years of one parent watching the other parent abuse you?
This is one of the most difficult things in life to do and I know you won't like it but, let the past go. You don't have to forget, you don't have to act like it never happened, you just have to let it go and stop letting it define who you are. You WERE a victim, you WERE helpless, you WERE not safe in your own home. Now however, you ARE a survivor, you ARE safer, and you ARE learning to become someone new. The past can't change and it won't be a quick process to change your present, but you can. You are in control of you and how you see yourself. You are in a safe place where you can build yourself into who you want to be. You are in control of that. Hold on to that thought when you feel helpless and small. You are in control of your thoughts and reactions. It's not easy, but it's a start.How do you get a sense of control after years of one parent watching the other parent abuse you?
Hate to be harsh, I don't know the full circumstances.

But, the day you get control is the day you stop blaming events that happened before an you are now clear of for impacting your life today.

Yes you may find it hard to trust people, but rather than wallowing, you need to tackle things head on.
time can be a great healer.and counselling is a great can take a long time 2 find the safeness and control u talk of,u wont feel like this for ever.anger is ok as long as its @ the people who hurt u and not the people who try 2 help u.
You need some counseling. As do both the parents. Remember if the other is watching they have some responsibility in the matter as well.
Go for counselling with or without your parents. Good that you have moved at your grandma's. Speak with your school guidance councellor if you're a student.
It will take time and work on your part. Counseling might help. I am glad you are in a safer place now. Good luck.

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